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Archived News(2003)

bullet 12/1/2003: The tournament schedule has been updated with several additional tournaments.  This week's extemp topics will be the last set until January.  Don't expect any updates in the meantime.  Happy Holidays!

bullet 11/24/2003: This weeks topics are now posted.

bullet 11/17/2003: New topics have been released.

bullet 11/15/2003: The results for the Whitman tournament are now posted.  I also started a thread in the feedback forum on what people think of the practice extemp topics written so far.

bullet 11/10/2003: New extemp topics have now been posted.

bullet 11/08/2003: I fixed a few minor mistakes in the schedule and have added the Blue Key results.

bullet 11/05/2003: I received word of a new extemp topic writing service called Tournament Topics.  It is certainly worth looking into for anyone running a tournament or just for extra practice topics.

bullet 11/03/2003: This weeks topics are now available.

bullet 10/28/2003:While it is a bit late I finally got around to adding the Heart of Texas results.  If anybody has any other results I will be more than willing to add them.

bullet 10/26/2003: Extemp topics for this week have now been released.

bullet 10/20/2003: This weeks topics are a bit late.

bullet 10/14/2003:The National Forensic League has announced a new degree at 1500 points, the Degree of Premier Distinction.  The maxouts are also increased to 1500 combined and 750 for each category (debate, congress/public speaking, and individual events)

bullet 10/12/2003: The first post California Recall extemp topics are now posted.  I would also add congratulations to Governor elect Arnold Schwarzenegger.

bullet 10/05/2003: New topics are now available.

bullet 09/28/2003: This week's topics have been posted.

bullet 09/24/2003: The tournament schedule has been updated.

bullet 09/23/2003: The Early Bird results have been posted as the first results for the current season.

bullet 09/21/2003: I've just released this weeks extemp topics.

bullet 09/17/2003: We've added a new article, Basic Tips on doing extemp research on the Internet.

bullet 09/15/2003: I've added several more tournaments to the tournament schedule.

bullet 09/14/2003: New extemp topics are now posted.

bullet 09/07/2003: This weeks extemp topics have now been posted.

bullet 08/31/2003: I have added this weeks new extemp topics.  I hope everyone is enjoying the Labor day weekend!

bullet 08/24/2003: I have updated the tournament schedule and have added some two new sets of extemp topics.  The first is the general topics and a second is dedicated to the California Recall.  I also made some slight aesthetic changes to the site.  If you have a comment about not liking the look don't be afraid to give feedback.

bullet 08/19/2003: A couple more tournaments have been added to the tournament schedule.

bullet 08/11/2003: For your general amusement I have added extemp humor.

bullet 08/07/2003: We have enabled guest posting on the message board.  The tournament schedule also has some updates.  I have also recently learned about another extemp site worth looking into: Extemptopicanalysis.com

bullet 07/26/2003: We have added several new tournaments to the tournament schedule for next year.  In about a month new practice extemp topics are going to be available.

bullet 06/27/2003: We have received our first tournament submission!  The Winfield Scott Debate Classic has now been added to the tournament schedule for the upcoming season.

bullet 06/25/2003: Extemp TOC results and the Extemp results from NFL Nationals are available.  Just a reminder about results, anyone can email in results for any tournament they want.  The competition year is now over, but I'll take results from last year if you just want to flout your own success.  All that I ask is that you include at least the finals of extemp.  Be free to include any other final round results or as many elim results as you want to.  If you don't want to be credited with submitting the results simply note that in your email.

bullet 06/11/2003: I'm still alive, I was just a bit busy lately.  New extemp topics have been posted.  Being the end of the season these will probably be the last practice topics until sometime late August or early September.

bullet 05/18/2003: We have posted new extemp topics, results for the California state speech tournament, and we have set up a chat room.

bullet 5/11/2003: New Extemp topics have been posted.

bullet 5/4/2003: Extempprep.org has launched.  Welcome to our page.  Check out our articles and tutorial.  Discuss the issues dealing with extemporaneous speaking on our messageboard or use our extemp topics for practice speeches.  Check out our suggested links to find new information for you box.