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Extemp Links, Page 2

Page 1, General/US links

Page 3, Think tanks

US links (continued)

FactCheck.org A quality resource to check up on the accuracy of those pesky and often deceptive television ads.  It is ran by the the non-partisan Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.  It seems like a pretty fair assessment of the ads out there.

Opensecrets.org Provides campaign finance information for candidates for federal elections.

Ballot Access News Provides news and information on the ballot access laws in states throughout the United States for third parties.  It is run by Richard Winger who is a leading expert on this issue.

Education Next A quality quarterly education journal published by the Hoover Institute.

Chronicle of Higher Education Another academic journal on higher education.  Unfortunately the subscription price is rather steep so I would probably suggest you to simply see if a local college library has a copy.

US Links (Immigration)

Center for Immigration Studies A pro-immigrant group.

Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus A caucus led by Rep. Tom Tancredo (R)-CO that supports a dramatic reduction in illegal immigration

Federation for American Immigration Reform A frequently cited source for resource critical of illegal immigration.

The Minuteman Project The controversial group led by James Gilchrist that sponsored a citizen patrol of 22 miles of the Arizona border with Mexico in April 2005. Also see the wikipedia entry.

Foreign Extemp sources

Al Jazeera English This popular source for news to the Arab world.  Since it is one of the few non-state run news agencies in the Arab world it is worth reading for news in the Arab world.

BBC This British publicly run station.

Financial Times A successful British media source that is comparable to the Wall Street Journal.

Foreign Policy A well recognized bimonthly foreign policy journal.

Foreign Affairs Another well recognized journal where many notable figures such as Colin Powell and Sandy Berger amongst others have written articles for.  It is published every other month.

Brown Journal of World Affairs An academic journal with numerous useful articles.

CIA World Fact Book A decent source of statistical information.

Tehran Times A English language paper that frequently defends Iran and other Arab causes including the Palestinians against Western critics.  While it is clearly anti-West and anti-Israel it is a decent source for citing the opinions in the Arab world.

The Jerusalem Post A decent English language source for the middle East written from the Israeli perspective.

Other links

Electronic Frontier Foundation One of the most important privacy and electronic issues advocacy groups in the world.  It is pretty useful resource for information on tech issues.

Dave Barry Well this one is pretty self explanatory.  Dave Barry is one of the best humor columnists in the American media and some of his columns can be good inspiration for extemp intros.

Wikipedia This is a public domain encyclopedia. Useful for checking up on general information about important persons and places.