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Page 2, US/Foreign/Other links

Page 3, Think tanks

Other Extemp sites
Extemptopics.com Sells extemp topics for tournaments and offers a weekly subscription for practice.
Extemptopicanalysis.com Offers news analysis twice a week!  I think it's worth checking out.
ExtempDex A continuously updated extemp index of many popular magazines.

School Directory
High School Team Directory

State and National High School Speech Associations
Speech Associations Directory

CNN - A good page for keeping track of general news.  
Los Angeles Times - The newspaper with the third largest circulation in the United States, second only to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. 


Thomas - The Library of Congress' site for congressional information.  You can find the Congressional Record, full text of legislation going back over 10 years, and information about the legislative process.

Heritage Foundation - A famous conservative think tank.
Newshour with Jim Lehrer - This long running PBS news program focuses more upon interviews with noteworthy individuals in the news without all the 5-6 people talking at the same time. There is an archive of their articles going back several years.
Brookings Institute - A fairly moderate to liberal think tank.
Fordham Foundation - Conducts research on elementary and secondary education.  A good number of reports are available for free download covering topics dealing with school standards, charter schools, school choice, teacher quality, and educational philanthropy.
Cato Institute - A libertarian and rabidly anti-government interference think tank.
Rand Institute - A general focus think tank which claims to have been America's first think tank.
Center for Education Reform - A group which supports school choice.
National Assessment of Educational Progress - Often called the NAEP this is the longest running nationwide exam given to K-12 students. The site accurately purports itself as "The Nation's Report Card."
National Center of Policy Analysis A nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization which seeks private-sector solutions to public policy problems.

Government information
Bureau of Economic Analysis Want to know what the GDP, here's your numbers.
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Provides statistics on everything from gender pay equity to unemployment statistics
Bureau of the Census - The official provider of official US population and other demographic information.
Congressional Budget Office - Provides budgetary information for Congress. Their website has budgetary outlook reports, monthly budget reviews, and reports on the costs of some legislation.
Department of Commerce
Department of Education - Provides various government education publications.
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security - Publications, press releases, and information on border security..
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Department of State - Official travel watch lists and reports on terrorism and foreign policy
Department of the Interior
Department of the Treasury
Department of Transportation
Department of Veteran Affairs - Publications on veteran's benefits and other issues.
Environmental Protection Agency -
No Child Left Behind - Provides publications and general information about the Department of Education's implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Political Parties
Republican National Committee
Democratic National Committee
Directory of US Political Parties - Great place to find information about third parties in the United States. Every once in a while some third party will make some news, so this might be useful.